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                  Marilyn Ruth Burke, Founder


                                          ABOUT US

East Texas Fun Bunch (ETFB), Inc. "Excellent Time For Bonding (ETFB)" is incorporated in Texas as a non-profit, charitable organization. We have been approved by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as a tax-exempt 501 (c) (3) entity, effective September 7, 2010. Your donations are fully tax deductible and gratefully accepted.

                                                        BACKGROUND OF THE FOUNDERS

Marilyn Ruth Burke was born in Lufkin, Texas. Her younger sister, Betsy Elaine Burke, was born in 1950 with Downs syndrome. Their parents were Ward and Anna Belle Burke who were tireless advocates for persons with mental illness and developmental disabilities.  The Burke organization is named after them and it serves people in 12 counties in east Texas.

Marilyn has worked with children and adults with special needs ever since her sister, Betsy, was born. She has an M.Ed. in Guidance and Counseling with a M.A. in Special Education. She was formerly a licensed professional counselor and has worked with children and adults with special needs. After graduating from college, she was a teacher, counselor, manager, director in both public schools and government organizations serving people with various conditions. She was formerly a flight attendant and traveled extensively around the world. 

Jim Wong is a retired law enforcement officer of 28 years. He has a B.S. in Business Administration. He is a master planner and a logistic and time management expert. He is also very familiar with safety issues associated with group travels. He has been around Betsy and her friends since he met Marilyn in 2000.

                                     OUR YOUNG HISTORY - By Marilyn Burke 

On October 27, 2008, Jim and I took my sister, Betsy, and one of her friends, both born with Down syndrome, on a five-day Western Caribbean Carnival Cruise. We joined about 40 other residents and staff on the ship from the Down Home Ranch, a non-profit, working farm ranch offering residential, summer camp, vocational and recreational services to teenagers and adults with special needs,

The experience was so positive that we sponsored a second trip a year later. It was a 4-day Western Caribbean Cruise with 16 more of Betsy's friends and staff from various group homes.

During these two trips, we laughed throughout all the amazing experiences ~ and then we cried when we had to leave. We shared many moments of close bonding. For most, they had never even seen the ocean. To be able to just dip their toes in the water would send loud jubilation into the air. For us to share these experiences with them was absolutely amazing. They bring joy, laughter, blessings, and gratitude into our lives. These trips provided life enriching and bonding opportunities - new friendships, new ideas, a new sense of self worth, an expanded world view, and of course, a great deal of fun! We used our own money to organize these trips.

Our inaugural trip after forming ETFB was a five-day cruise to Cozumel, Mexico, in 2011. There were 50 of us, including adults with special needs, supervisors, family, and friends. It was an incredible experience seeing so many happy, excited, and grateful travelers on what was for many, the trip of a lifetime.

Our passion led to the incorporation of ETFB, giving us the administrative, logistical, funding, and legal apparatus to continue pursuing our passion and our mission. Our part-time volunteer work has now become our full-time commitment as we plan more and more events throughout each year. Getting the 501(c) (3) non-profit status was a true blessing. It allows individuals and organizations to donate to our program, enabling us to expand our services and opportunities to those we serve.

During 2012 – 2014, Marilyn and Jim mainly concentrated on taking small groups of individuals to Family outings, such as Camp for All, Joni and Friends Family Retreat in Michigan and in Navarro, Texas, trips to the Ice Cream Factory in Brenham, Washington-on the-Brazos, and Moody Gardens to experience the Festival of Lights, Zip-Line, Palm Beach and ropes course. During that time, we also subsidized trips for group homes from our personal funds (not ETFB funds).

In 2015 - 2016, we expanded our services to include regular social and learning opportunities. ETFB provides regular opportunities for adults to socialize by dining at various local restaurants before attending performances at the Pines Theater and the Temple Theater at Angelina College. We offer day trips as well as evening performances.

In addition, through partnership with Angelina Community College (ACC) and other local organizations, we offer classes designed for adults with I/DD, including arts and crafts, computer skills, music and movement. Our music classes offer opportunities for singing, playing hand bells and other musical instruments, and are led by qualified instructors.

We continue to treasure growing and enriching the lives of those we serve.

                                      Special Acknowledgement

Our organization cannot survive alone. We are an adjunct to the many organizations which provide the day-to-day care for these individuals, a most admirable endeavor. We work closely with these organizations and their families to ensure we are in harmony with their goals and missions. We are also most thankful to organizations who have generously supported ETFB.

We appreciate their support and guidance in forming and building our non-profit organization.

With sincerity, gratitude, and love, we extend our warmest regards.
                                                                                                                                                              Marilyn​​ and Team
Cruise January 13-17, 2011
        Marilyn and Jim